How to Play DominoQQ to Win Quickly
How to Play DominoQQ to Win Quickly
Blog Article - How to Play DominoQQ to Win Quickly - Currently, the existence of online gambling sites is starting to be sought after by many people. With a way of playing that is easy, but reasonable and provides high profits, many of us are interested in playing the various games. If you want to spend less time while earning money, gambling is the obvious way. Playing online gambling certainly provides more benefits for the players, for example, you can access this product anytime and anywhere, even just using a cellphone. Apart from that, you will get real money that can help you fulfill your daily needs if you win the game. The online betting game that is currently widely played is DominoQQ, this card game is considered more profitable than games with other types of card decks. For beginners, playing this game is really not an easy matter. You can follow the steps and playing path below to win this product.History of DominoQQ Games
Before you know how to play, here is a history related to the game that you should know. The origin of this game is Domino, which appeared in Asia, namely China, in 1120 AD, or around the 12th century. One of them can be found in a note written by Yang Chu Sz. Initially he gave him a piece of risa with a picture of a circle which he used to play with. The slower it gets, the more popular the game becomes. The easy way to play and the ingredients for the game can be found anywhere, making many Chinese people interested in the Domino game. In fact, the creator gave the card pieces to the shah who was ruling at that time, namely Emperor Hui, to play. Happy with the game given by Yang Chu, he increased the production of these cards to spread widely among the Chinese population. Because of this, many people end up stopping this game. As time goes by, Domino later became DominoQQ, because the product concept could be done online.It's not difficult to find Domino games that are still played live, but thanks to rapid technological developments, many players are choosing to play them online. Thus, players do not need to use real domino cards. The concept that is played is collective, namely by finding the largest number between players. This product can be used for betting or simply played for fun. If you use bets, either money or goods, then the winner will be the money or mass that is bet. this is what makes it popular with many people. Apart from being able to entertain, it also adds money to the winner.
In modern times, naming QQ, the additional 2 alphabets after the Domino command have a translation. QQ comes from the word Qiu-Qiu, the Mandarin rule of point nine. The highest number that can be obtained from the deck of cards in play. QQ is also often referred to as balak, a round circle that symbolizes the number of numbers on a domino ticket. Now you can play DominoQQ anywhere, whether using a cellphone or computer. Online makes it easy for you to access products virtually, fight many different opponents, then win bets. You can also send soccer betting capital via bank transfer, making it easier for users to play this product.
How to Play DominoQQ to Win
The guide to playing this game is still easy to follow, you can understand it better if you have a hand on the cards, or see examples of cards on the internet. As far as possible, this article will explain the playing guide briefly. In this card game, there are several card categorizations. You must know the type of each card to be ready to win the game easily.
1. Small Pure Ticket
This card is a card with a level on the lowest line. The combination of four slips obtained must be less than nine. You can see this by looking at the circle / qiu at the bottom of the card. If you get this card, you have the opportunity to beat other tickets, especially the balak card with the highest number.
A pure cute card is a special card, even though it is at the lowest benchmark. It has many benefits that you didn't expect before, one of which is rolling the card deck with a larger combination of logs.
two. Large Pure Card
The next super DominoQQ card is a pure big card. The capacity of this card is above a small pure slip, and among all the special cards that this game has, it is only in the second to last capacity. There are two instructions when getting this card, first you get four basic card combinations whose qiu circles total forty. Automatically, it becomes a big pure card.
The second characteristic is that you have 4 decks of cards, all three cards have a nominal value of thirty or more points, while one deck of cards does not have a card, so it is counted as a card with a total of zero. So, when combined with the three previous basic cards, the no-logs ticket will be a positive ten. So that all your cards will add up to forty qiu exactly.
3. Balak Card
This species is a rare card species, because it requires luck and high specialization to get it. Balak cards are a type of slip. Every deck of slips you have has the same number of qiu, between the top and bottom. For example, you have one slip with a number of qiu on 4 risks, then the number of qiu at the foot of the mountain must be the same.
So, the same number of qiu between the top and bottom of the ticket must also be present in the remaining three tickets. This is what makes balak tickets a rare tactic in the DominoQQ game. Balaks are called based on their number, namely balak tohor, one, two, and so on, with balak six being the highest level balak card.
4. 6 Gods Ticket
If you think that balak cards are quite rare, then you don't know how to get a 6 god card. This card is the highest level of special cards. So, if you pass enough to get this card, it means you will automatically win the game.
Six god tickets, meaning the four decks of tickets you have have the same denomination, each card has six qiu. However, unlike log slip, the number of upper and lower sessions does not have to always be the same. For example, at the top there are 2 qiu, then at the foot of the mountain there must be 4 qiu, or even so.
These are some special types of cards that you should know to be able to play DominoQQ and win more easily. In order to become proficient at this game, it is recommended that you practice every day, this will make you accustomed to taking steps and organizing schemes. Remember to continue playing according to the law, so you can defend the game at the highest level. Good luck and good luck